viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012

Today I’m going to talk you about ten thing that I would like to do before today
This is very complicate because I would like to do so many thing right now then I don’t think in a future thing  but in general I have some ideas.

Well First I would like to do one album of rock and folk with music create with me and in this album I would like play different musical instrument like bass, piano, drums, zampoña, kena, ocarina, trutuca and obviously guitar (electric and acoustic).

Too I would like play this Album with my friends of the school and the High School, my friends are very good musician and this would be very fun and interesting.

I want to work for a better world when I will work as geographer, I will work for the forest, and the ocean the animal and the human. I want to protect the planet. But this important mission I would like a good professional for that I will have different ideas and talent from help to the world.

I would like get marry with a clever woman from create a great family. I would like have five or seven child from play football and I teach and play music to them.

I would like traveler around the world with my wife and then we will have very history from talk to own great sons.

I want to traveler to Guatemala and El Salvador with my Parent and my cousin Paula, I promise go with them when I work and I have the sufficient money from to do.

Is very important from me one house where I will live with my family. I would like be the builder and work from the construction of the home.

And finally I want to go to the stadium when Colo-Colo will play and win one Libertadores final…and celebrate with my grandfather and I would lie to do a delicious barbecue from celebrate.

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